To understand how to structure a model, the following guidelines are given. These guidelines are meant to be used as a reference and are not meant to be followed strictly. The most important thing is that the model is structured in a way that is understandable and maintainable.

The preferred logic of creating a model is the Model, View and Controller (MVC) pattern. This is a pattern in software design commonly used to implement user interfaces, data, and controlling logic. It emphasizes a separation between the software’s business logic and display. This “separation of concerns” provides for a better division of labor and improved maintenance. Models and Views should be able to function on their own whereas Controllers are reliant on either a Model or a combination of Models and Views. Note that there are many variations of this infrastructure (see here) but all of them return to the same core principles.

The following diagrams illustrate the different flows of the MVC pattern depending on how you structured your model and what the purpose of your model is.

flowchart TB; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"] -- Uses --> Step1["Controller"]:::boxfont Step1["Controller"] -- Manipulates --> Step2["Model"]:::boxfont Step2["Model"] -- Updates --> Step3["View"]:::boxfont Step3["View"] -- Sees --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont
flowchart TB; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"] -- Uses --> Step1["Controller"]:::boxfont Step1["Controller"] -- Manipulates --> Step2["Model"]:::boxfont Step2["Model"] -- Returns --> Step1["Controller"]:::boxfont Step1["Controller"] -- Sees --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont
flowchart TB; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"] -- Uses --> Step1["Controller"]:::boxfont Step1["Controller 1"] -- Activates --> Step2["Controller 2"]:::boxfont Step2["Controller 2"] -- Manipulates --> Step3["Model"]:::boxfont Step3["Model"] -- Returns --> Step2["Controller 2"]:::boxfont Step2["Controller 2"] -- Sees --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont

What makes the MVC pattern so powerful is that it is immediately clear in the structure of the model what modules do what. If I am looking for the calculation of the Gross Margin ratio or want to understand what data is being passed on for this calculation, I know exactly where to look (the model and controller respectively).

The Importance of Separation of Concerns for Financial Modelling
The reason the Model, View and Controller (MVC) structure works so well for financial models is the fact that these type of models tend to combine a lot of different datasets with a lot of different calculations and always need to have some overarching functionality that allows the data to flow correctly through the model.

For example, when performing scenario analysis and simulating over time, there needs to be a module that keeps track of the current period, the current scenario, the current dataset, etc. This is where the Controller comes in. The actual calculations shouldn’t need to deal with any of the above which is why this is separated into a Model. Any visualisation is also unrelated to both these components and can therefore be separated into a View.

This structure makes the model modular which makes it easy to identify odd results given that each component has a specific purpose which makes it relatively straightforward to identify formula or data issues. When both the calculation and data component are combined, it becomes a lot harder to identify where the issue resides.

The Data Layer

The data layer of the application which is where the data is manipulated. This can be anything from calculations to simple data transformations. The importance of these models is that they work on any dataset and have as little requirements as feasibly possible.

flowchart LR; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"]:::boxfont -- Step 1
Provides Data --> Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont <-- Step 2
Calculates the Gross Margin --> Step3["Get Gross Margin"]:::boxfont Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont --Step 3
Returns the Gross Margin --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont

For example, when calculating the Gross Margin, it should not be required to have a dataset with a specific column name. Instead, it should be possible to pass two Series, Arrays, Floats or Integers to do this calculation. This is referred to as the ability of doing “dumb” calculations, there is no flavouring done for the specific need.

See the simplicity of such a model here and below:

def get_gross_margin(revenue: pd.Series, cost_of_goods_sold: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Calculate the gross margin, a profitability ratio that measures the percentage of
    revenue that exceeds the cost of goods sold.

        revenue (float or pd.Series): Total revenue of the company.
        cost_of_goods_sold (float or pd.Series): Total cost of goods sold of the company.

        float | pd.Series: The gross margin percentage value.
    return (revenue - cost_of_goods_sold) / revenue

Each function is categorized in a specific module. For example, the Gross Margin calculation is categorized under the module which contains all of the other profitability ratios. The same applies to the other ratio categories such as liquidity, solvency, efficiency and valuation which can be found in,, and respectively.

The Visualization Layer

This is meant to display data in a specific way. This can be a table, a graph, a dashboard, etc. It is definitely possible that the DataFrame that the model produces can already be considered as a “View” and therefore this is an optional addition.

flowchart LR; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"]:::boxfont -- Step 1
Provides Data --> Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont <-- Step 2
Calculates the Gross Margin --> Step3["Get Gross Margin"]:::boxfont Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont --Step 3
Returns the Gross Margin --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont Step0["User"]:::boxfont -- Step 4
Provides Gross Margin --> Step4["Profitability View"]:::boxfont Step4["Profitability View"]:::boxfont <-- Step 5
Plot the Gross Margin --> Step5["Plot Gross Margin"]:::boxfont Step4["Profitability View"]:::boxfont -- Step 6
Shows the Gross Margin Plot --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont

See below how such a view could look like:

def plot_gross_margin(gross_margin: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    Plot the gross margin, a profitability ratio that measures the percentage of
    revenue that exceeds the cost of goods sold.

        gross_margin (pd.Series): Gross Margin of the company.

        A plot of the gross margin.
        title="Gross Margin",
        ylabel="Gross Margin (%)",

Similar to the Data Layer, the Visualization Layer is also split up into different modules. For example, the Gross Margin plot is categorized under the module which contains all of the other plot functionalities for the profitability ratios. The same applies to the other ratio categories such as liquidity, solvency, efficiency and valuation which can be found in,, and respectively.

The Controlling Layer

These are functionalities that tie both the Model and View together. This is what adds in the dataset-specific flavouring. E.g. when calculating the Gross Margin, the controller will pass onto the model the correct columns of the dataset that contain the Revenue and the Cost of Goods Sold.

flowchart LR; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"]:::boxfont -- Step 1
Request Data --> Step3["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont Step3["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont <-- Step 2
Calculates the Gross Margin --> Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont Step3["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont -- Step 3
Shows the Gross Margin Data --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont

Note that within the Controller there are no calculations done, this is purely meant to pass on the correct data to the View or Model. The controller functions are almost always wrapped inside a class, e.g. for the Gross Margin calculation, this is wrapped inside the Ratios class as follows (see the actual code here):

class Ratios:
    The Ratios Module
    def __init__(
        tickers: str | list[str],
        historical: pd.DataFrame,
        balance: pd.DataFrame,
        income: pd.DataFrame,
        cash: pd.DataFrame,
        quarterly: bool = False,
        rounding: int | None = 4,
        Initializes the Ratios Controller Class. Remaining docstring omitted.
        # The necessary data initialization is done here.

    def get_gross_margin(
        rounding: int | None = None,
        growth: bool = False,
        lag: int | list[int] = 1,
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Calculate the gross margin, a profitability ratio that measures the percentage of
        revenue that exceeds the cost of goods sold. Remaining docstring omitted.
        gross_margin = profitability_model.get_gross_margin(
                self._income_statement.loc[:, "Revenue", :],
                self._income_statement.loc[:, "Cost of Goods Sold", :],

        if growth:
            return calculate_growth(
                gross_margin, lag=lag, rounding=rounding if rounding else self._rounding

        return gross_margin.round(rounding if rounding else self._rounding)

Different from the Data and Visualization Layer, the Controller is not split up into different modules. This is because the Controller is meant to be the “glue” between the Model and the View. So in this case, this function would fit in the module.

As shown below, it is also possible to have multiple Controllers. For example, the Finance Toolkit has a which is the main controller that is used to initialize the Toolkit.

flowchart LR; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"]:::boxfont-- Step 1
Initializes the FinanceToolkit --> Step1["Toolkit Controller"]:::boxfont Step1["Toolkit Controller"] <-- Step 2
Asks for Fundamental Data --> Step2a["Fundamentals Model"]:::boxfont Step1["Toolkit Controller"] <-- Step 3
Asks for Historical Data --> Step2b["Historical Model"]:::boxfont Step1["Toolkit Controller"] -- Step 4
Initializes the Ratios Controller --> Step3["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont

This controller is then used to initialize the which is used to calculate the ratios. This is done to ensure that the Toolkit Controller is not overloaded with functions and that the Ratios Controller can be used separately. For example, in the, the Ratios Controller is initialized as follows (see actual code here):

class Toolkit:
    The Finance Toolkit
    def __init__(
        tickers: list | str,
        api_key: str = "",
        start_date: str | None = None,
        end_date: str | None = None,
        quarterly: bool = False,
        rounding: int | None = 4,
        Initializes an Toolkit object. Remaining docstring omitted.
        # The necessary data initialization is done.

    def ratios(self) -> Ratios:
        The Ratios Module. Remaining docstring omitted.
        # The necessary data collection is done here as depicted in the graph above.

        return Ratios(
            if self._quarterly
            else self._yearly_historical_data,

The Supportive Layer

Next to the Models, Views and Controller modules, it can be helpful to have a helpers module. This module is meant to contain functions that are used throughout the entirety of the package.

flowchart LR; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"]:::boxfont -- Step 1
Request Data --> Step4["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont Step4["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont <-- Step 2
Calculates the Gross Margin --> Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont Step4["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont <-- Step 3
Calculates the Growth --> Step3["Helpers"]:::boxfont Step4["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont -- Step 4
Shows the Growth of the Gross Margin --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont

For example, a function that calculates the growth of a pd.Series or pd.DataFrame. This function can be used in multiple places (calculating growth can be relevant for ratios, technical indicators, performance metrics and more) and therefore it is useful to put it into the helpers module. See the actual code here and below an example:

def calculate_growth(
    dataset: pd.Series | pd.DataFrame,
    lag: int | list[int] = 1,
    rounding: int | None = 4,
    axis: str = "columns",
) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
    Calculates growth for a given dataset. Defaults to a lag of 1
    (i.e. 1 year or 1 quarter).

        dataset (pd.Series | pd.DataFrame): the dataset to calculate the growth values for.
        lag (int | str): the lag to use for the calculation. Defaults to 1.
        rounding (int | None): the number of decimals to round the results to.
        Defaults to 4.
        axis (str): the axis to use for the calculation. Defaults to "columns".

        pd.Series | pd.DataFrame: _description_
    return dataset.pct_change(periods=lag, axis=axis).round(rounding)

Other type of helper functions could be reading datasets from xlsx or csv files and handling common errors. It is often not necessary to split up the helpers module into different modules.

Combining Everything

As seen in the Setting up your Project page, the Model, View and Controller for Gross Margin calculation will be named, and respectively. The module will be placed in the root of the package.

The same methodology is applied to the Finance Toolkit in which the structure of the last graph, as depicted at the top of this page, is used.

flowchart TB; classDef boxfont fill:#3b9cba,stroke-width:0px,fill-opacity:0.7,color:white,radius:20px; Step0["User"] -- Step 1
Initializes the FinanceToolkit --> Step1["Toolkit Controller"]:::boxfont Step1["Toolkit Controller"] <-- Step 2
Asks for Fundamental Data --> Step2a["Fundamentals Model"]:::boxfont Step1["Toolkit Controller"] <-- Step 3
Asks for Historical Data --> Step2b["Historical Model"]:::boxfont Step1["Toolkit Controller"] -- Step 4
Initializes the Ratios Controller --> Step3["Ratios Controller"]:::boxfont Step3["Ratios Controller"] -- Step 5a
Calculates the Gross Margin --> Step2["Profitability Model"]:::boxfont Step3["Ratios Controller"] -- Step 5b
Optional Growth Calculation --> Step4["Helpers"]:::boxfont Step3["Ratios Controller"] -- Step 6
Shows the Gross Margin Data --> Step0["User"]:::boxfont

Following this structure, this would be how it looks when executing each:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

companies = Toolkit(['AMZN', 'ASML', 'META'], api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')


Which returns the following dataset leveraging the actual financial statements:

  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
AMZN 0.2723 0.2948 0.3304 0.3509 0.3707 0.4025 0.4099 0.3957 0.4203 0.4381
ASML 0.3977 0.4264 0.4606 0.4481 0.4503 0.4311 0.4146 0.4863 0.5271 0.4965
META 0.7618 0.8273 0.8401 0.8629 0.8658 0.8325 0.8194 0.8058 0.8079 0.7835

Alternatively, the growth of the Gross Margin can be calculated as follows:


Which returns the growth of the Gross Margin leveraging the same financial statements:

  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
AMZN   0.0828 0.1207 0.0621 0.0563 0.0858 0.0185 -0.0347 0.0623 0.0422
ASML   0.0723 0.08 -0.0271 0.005 -0.0426 -0.0384 0.173 0.0839 -0.058
META   0.0859 0.0155 0.0272 0.0034 -0.0386 -0.0157 -0.0165 0.0026 -0.0303

Once you have done these steps it’s time to start building your model. Visit Build your Model to continue!

Build your Model