This page includes all the documentation for the Finance Toolkit, an open-source toolkit in which all relevant financial ratios (150+), indicators and performance measurements are written down in the most simplistic way allowing for complete transparency of the calculation method. Each functionality includes an example of how to use it and is therefore an excellent way to better understand how to use each functionality. These examples are also directly embedded in the code. For simplicity sake, only the controller modules are included here given that the models themselves should be relatively straightforward. Make sure to also have a look at the example notebooks as found here.

To install the FinanceToolkit it simply requires the following:

pip install financetoolkit -U

The Toolkit Module is meant to be a collection of useful functions that collect and parse data. These are historical data, fundamental data (balance, income and cash flow statements) as well as several others metrics from Financial Modeling Prep like enterprise values, company profiles and more. From this module, you are able to access the related modules as well.

If you are looking for documentation regarding the discovery, ratios, models, technical indicators, fixed income, risk metrics, performance metrics and economic indicators, please have a look below:


Initializes an Toolkit object with a ticker or a list of tickers. The way the Toolkit is initialized will define how the data is collected. For example, if you enable the quarterly flag, you will be able to collect quarterly data. Next to that, you can define the start and end date to specify a specific range. Another option is to work with cached data. This is useful when you have collected data before and want to use this data again. This can be done by setting the use_cached_data variable to True. If you want to use a specific location to store the cached data, you can define this as a string, e.g. “datasets”.

See for more information on all of this, the following link:


  • tickers (str or list): A string or a list of strings containing the company ticker(s). E.g. ‘TSLA’ or ‘MSFT’ Find the tickers on a variety of websites or via the FinanceDatabase:
  • api_key (str): An API key from FinancialModelingPrep. Obtain one here:
  • start_date (str): A string containing the start date of the data. This needs to be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The default is today minus 10 years which can be freely changed to extend the period.
  • end_date (str): A string containing the end date of the data. This needs to be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The default is today which can be freely changed to extend the period.
  • quarterly (bool): A boolean indicating whether to collect quarterly data. This defaults to False and thus collects yearly financial statements. Note that historical data can still be collected for any period and interval.
  • use_cached_data (bool or str): A boolean indicating whether to use cached data. This is useful when you have collected data before and want to use this data again. If you want to use a specific location to store the cached data, you can define this as a string, e.g. “datasets”. Defaults to False.
  • risk_free_rate (str): A string containing the risk free rate. This can be 13w, 5y, 10y or 30y. This is based on the US Treasury Yields and is used to calculate various ratios and Excess Returns.
  • benchmark_ticker (str): A string containing the benchmark ticker. Defaults to SPY (S&P 500). This is meant to calculate ratios and indicators such as the CAPM and Jensen’s Alpha but also serves as purpose to give insights in the performance of a stock compared to a benchmark.
  • historical_source (str): A string containing the historical source. This can be either FinancialModelingPrep or YahooFinance. Defaults to FinancialModelingPrep. It is automatically defined if you enter an API Key from FinancialModelingPrep. You can overwrite this by filling this parameter. Note that for the Free plan the amount of historical data is limited to 5 years. If you want to collect more data, you need to upgrade to a paid plan.
  • historical (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing historical data. This is a custom dataset only relevant if you are looking to use custom data. See for more information the following Notebook:
  • balance (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing balance sheet data. This is a custom dataset only relevant if you are looking to use custom data. See for more information the notebook as mentioned at historical.
  • cash (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing cash flow statement data. This is a custom dataset only relevant if you are looking to use custom data. See for more information the notebook as mentioned at historical.
  • format_location (str): A string containing the location of the normalization files.
  • convert_currency (bool): A boolean indicating whether to convert the currency of the financial statements to match that of the related historical data. This is an important conversion when comparing the financial statements between each ticker as well as for calculations that are done with the historical data. If you are using a Free plan from FinancialModelingPrep, this will be set to False. If you are using a Premium plan from FinancialModelingPrep, this will be set to True. Defaults to None and can thus be overridden.
  • reverse_dates (bool): A boolean indicating whether to reverse the dates in the financial statements.
  • intraday_period (str): A string containing the intraday period. This can be 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min or 1hour. This is used to collect intraday data. Note that this is only relevant if you have are looking to utilize intraday data through the Toolkit and wish to access Risk, Performance and Technicals for very short timeframes. Defaults to None which means it will not use intraday data.
  • rounding (int): An integer indicating the number of decimals to round the results to.
  • remove_invalid_tickers (bool): A boolean indicating whether to remove invalid tickers. Defaults to False.
  • sleep_timer (bool): Whether to set a sleep timer when the rate limit is reached. Note that this only works if you have a Premium subscription (Starter or higher) from FinancialModelingPrep. Defaults to None which means it is determined by the model (Free plan = False, Premium plan = True).
  • progress_bar (bool): Whether to enable the progress bar when ticker amount is over 10. Defaults to True.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

# Simple example
toolkit = Toolkit(
tickers=["TSLA", "ASML"],

# Obtaining quarterly data
toolkit = Toolkit(
tickers=["AAPL", "GOOGL"],

# Including a start and end date
toolkit = Toolkit(
tickers=["MSFT", "MU"],

# Working with cached data
toolkit = Toolkit(
tickers=["WMT", "AAPL"],

# Changing the benchmark and risk free rate
toolkit = Toolkit(


The Ratios Module contains over 50+ ratios that can be used to analyse companies. These ratios are divided into 5 categories which are efficiency, liquidity, profitability, solvency and valuation. Each ratio is calculated using the data from the Toolkit module.

Some examples of ratios are the Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), Return on Capital Employed (ROCE), Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E), Price to Book Ratio (P/B), Price to Sales Ratio (P/S), Price to Cash Flow Ratio (P/CF), Price to Free Cash Flow Ratio (P/FCF), Dividend Yield and Dividend Payout Ratio.

Next to that, it is also possible to define custom ratios.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["AAPL", "TSLA"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")

profitability_ratios = toolkit.ratios.collect_profitability_ratios()


Which returns:

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Gross Margin 0.383437 0.378178 0.382332 0.417794 0.433096
Operating Margin 0.26694 0.24572 0.241473 0.297824 0.302887
Net Profit Margin 0.224142 0.212381 0.209136 0.258818 0.253096
Interest Burden Ratio 1.02828 1.02827 1.01211 1.00237 0.997204
Income Before Tax Profit Margin 0.274489 0.252666 0.244398 0.298529 0.30204
Effective Tax Rate 0.183422 0.159438 0.144282 0.133023 0.162045
Return on Assets (ROA) 0.162775 0.16323 0.177256 0.269742 0.282924
Return on Equity (ROE) 0.555601 0.610645 0.878664 1.50071 1.96959
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) 0.269858 0.293721 0.344126 0.503852 0.562645
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) 0.305968 0.297739 0.320207 0.495972 0.613937
Return on Tangible Assets 0.555601 0.610645 0.878664 1.50071 1.96959
Income Quality Ratio 1.30073 1.25581 1.4052 1.09884 1.22392
Net Income per EBT 0.816578 0.840562 0.855718 0.866977 0.837955
Free Cash Flow to Operating Cash Flow Ratio 0.828073 0.848756 0.909401 0.893452 0.912338
EBT to EBIT Ratio 0.957448 0.948408 0.958936 0.976353 0.975982
EBIT to Revenue 0.286688 0.26641 0.254864 0.305759 0.309473


Gives access to the Models module. The Models module is meant to execute well -known models such as DUPONT and the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model. These models are also directly related to the data retrieved from the Toolkit module.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["TSLA", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", quarterly=True, start_date='2022-12-31')

dupont_analysis = toolkit.models.get_extended_dupont_analysis()


Which returns:

  2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2023Q1 2023Q2
Interest Burden Ratio -1.24465 0.858552 -2.88409 1.20243 1.01681
Tax Burden Ratio -0.611396 1.13743 0.101571 0.640291 0.878792
Operating Profit Margin -0.0219823 0.0231391 -0.00636042 0.0323498 0.0562125
Asset Turnover nan 0.299735 0.3349 0.274759 0.285319
Equity Multiplier nan 3.15403 3.14263 3.08433 2.91521
Return on Equity nan 0.0213618 0.00196098 0.0211066 0.0417791


This gives access to the Options module. The Options Module is meant to provide Options valuations based on real market data. This includes the Black -Scholes model and in the future the Binomial model and the Monte Carlo model. It also includes all available first -order, second -order and third -order Greeks such as Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho, Charm, Vanna, Vomma, Veta, Speed and Zomma.

It gives insights in the sensitivity of an option to changes in the underlying asset price, volatility, years to maturity, dividend yilds and interest rates and several derivatives of these sensitivities.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["TSLA", "MU"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")

all_greeks = toolkit.options.collect_all_greeks(start_date='2024-01-03')

all_greeks.loc['TSLA', '2024-01-04']

Which returns:

Strike Price Delta Dual Delta Vega Theta Rho Epsilon Lambda Gamma Dual Gamma Vanna Charm Vomma Vera Veta PD Speed Zomma Color Ultima
180 1 -0.9999 0 -0.0193 0.0049 -0.6533 0.0408 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 0
185 1 -0.9999 0 -0.0198 0.0051 -0.6533 0.0446 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 0
190 1 -0.9999 0 -0.0204 0.0052 -0.6533 0.0492 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 0
195 1 -0.9999 0 -0.0209 0.0053 -0.6533 0.0549 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 0
200 1 -0.9999 0 -0.0214 0.0055 -0.6533 0.062 0 0 -0 0 0 -0 0.0014 0 -0 0 0 0
205 1 -0.9999 0 -0.022 0.0056 -0.6533 0.0712 0 0 -0 0.0005 0.0003 -0 0.1236 0 -0 0 0.0004 0.0001
210 1 -0.9999 0 -0.0226 0.0058 -0.6533 0.0837 0 0 -0.0002 0.0221 0.0119 -0.0001 4.6313 0 -0 0.0001 0.0132 0.0034
215 0.9998 -0.9997 0.0001 -0.0254 0.0059 -0.6532 0.1016 0.0001 0.0001 -0.0044 0.4426 0.1942 -0.0029 77.6496 0.0001 -0.0001 0.0021 0.209 0.0336
220 0.9973 -0.9969 0.001 -0.0526 0.006 -0.6515 0.1287 0.0012 0.0014 -0.0414 4.1955 1.4351 -0.0273 600.92 0.0014 -0.0005 0.0144 1.4569 0.1196
225 0.9777 -0.976 0.0066 -0.2079 0.006 -0.6387 0.1723 0.0076 0.0086 -0.1884 19.0888 4.7244 -0.1249 2187.89 0.0086 -0.0022 0.0407 4.1228 0.0829
230 0.8953 -0.8898 0.0226 -0.6528 0.0056 -0.5849 0.2419 0.0261 0.028 -0.3993 40.3564 6.2557 -0.267 3816.31 0.028 -0.0048 0.0253 2.5239 -0.1641
235 0.6978 -0.6874 0.0435 -1.2304 0.0044 -0.4558 0.3442 0.0502 0.0516 -0.306 30.653 1.9785 -0.2119 3623.7 0.0516 -0.0039 -0.0672 -6.8719 -0.0977
240 0.4192 -0.4078 0.0488 -1.3691 0.0027 -0.2739 0.4789 0.0562 0.0555 0.1634 -17.1438 0.4159 0.0934 3407.79 0.0555 0.0014 -0.096 -9.7512 -0.0222
245 0.1812 -0.1736 0.0329 -0.9207 0.0012 -0.1184 0.6396 0.0379 0.0359 0.4445 -45.5549 5.0536 0.2814 4080.87 0.0359 0.0048 -0.0098 -0.9474 -0.1945
250 0.0544 -0.0513 0.0138 -0.3848 0.0004 -0.0355 0.8183 0.0159 0.0144 0.3232 -33.01 6.468 0.2073 3328.37 0.0144 0.0036 0.0461 4.7176 -0.0443
255 0.0112 -0.0104 0.0037 -0.1028 0.0001 -0.0073 1.0084 0.0042 0.0037 0.1223 -12.477 3.4845 0.0789 1542.52 0.0037 0.0014 0.0325 3.3216 0.1424
260 0.0016 -0.0015 0.0006 -0.018 0 -0.001 1.205 0.0007 0.0006 0.0276 -2.8148 1.0161 0.0179 421.028 0.0006 0.0003 0.0104 1.0578 0.1054
265 0.0002 -0.0001 0.0001 -0.0021 0 -0.0001 1.4049 0.0001 0.0001 0.004 -0.4041 0.1783 0.0026 71.3544 0.0001 0 0.0019 0.1933 0.0322
270 0 -0 0 -0.0002 0 -0 1.6059 0 0 0.0004 -0.0385 0.02 0.0002 7.8471 0 0 0.0002 0.0222 0.0054
275 0 -0 0 -0 0 -0 1.8068 0 0 0 -0.0025 0.0015 0 0.5804 0 0 0 0.0017 0.0006
280 0 -0 0 -0 0 -0 2.0066 0 0 0 -0.0001 0.0001 0 0.0297 0 0 0 0.0001 0
285 0 -0 0 -0 0 -0 2.2048 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0.0011 0 0 0 0 0
290 0 -0 0 -0 0 -0 2.401 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
295 0 -0 0 -0 0 -0 2.595 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


This gives access to the Technicals module. The Technicals Module contains nearly 50 Technical Indicators that can be used to analyse companies. These indicators are divided into 3 categories: breadth, overlap and volatility. Each indicator is calculated using the data from the Toolkit module.

Some examples of technical indicators are the Average Directional Index (ADX), the Accumulation/Distribution Line (ADL), the Average True Range (ATR), the Bollinger Bands (BBANDS), the Commodity Channel Index (CCI), the Chaikin Oscillator (CHO), the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), the Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA), the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["AAPL", "TSLA"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")

average_directional_index = toolkit.technicals.get_average_directional_index()

Which returns:

2023-08-21 62.8842 36.7468
2023-08-22 65.7063 36.5525
2023-08-23 67.3596 35.5149
2023-08-24 66.4527 35.4399
2023-08-25 63.4837 32.3323


This gives access to the Performance module. The Performance Module is meant to calculate metrics related to the risk -return relationship. These are things such as Beta, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, CAPM, Alpha and the Treynor Ratio.

It gives insights in the performance a stock has to e.g. a benchmark that is not easily identified by looking at the raw data. This class is closely related to the Risk class which highlights things such as Value at Risk (VaR) and Maximum Drawdown.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["AAPL", "TSLA"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

2022Q3 -0.0684 -0.1047
2022Q4 0.0857 0.0828
2023Q1 0.075 0.1121
2023Q2 0.0922 0.1342
2023Q3 0.0052 -0.0482


This gives access to the Risk module. The Risk Module is meant to calculate metrics related to risk such as Value at Risk (VaR), Conditional Value at Risk (cVaR), EMWA/GARCH models and similar models.

It gives insights in the risk a stock composes that is not perceived as easily by looking at the data. This class is closely related to the Performance class which highlights things such as Sharpe Ratio and Sortino Ratio.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["AAPL", "TSLA"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

2012 0 0
2013 0.1754 4.96
2014 1.7515 0.9481
2015 -0.1958 0.1454
2016 0.4177 -0.3437
2017 2.6368 1.2225
2018 -0.2786 0.0718
2019 3.2243 0.4707
2020 1.729 8.3319
2021 1.3179 0.8797
2022 -0.8026 -1.0046
2023 1.8549 1.8238


This gives access to the Fixed Income module. This module contains a wide variety of fixed income related calculations such as the Effective Yield, the Macaulay Duration, the Modified Duration, the Convexity, the Yield to Maturity and models such as Black and Bachelier to valuate derivative instruments such as Swaptions.

Next to that, it is also possible to acquire Central Bank Rates and ICE BofA Indices such as the ICE BofA US High Yield Index, the ICE BofA US Corporate Index and the ICE BofA US Treasury Index.

Note that this class can also be directly accessed by importing the FixedIncome class directly via from financetoolkit import FixedIncome. This is useful if you only want to use the FixedIncome class and not the other classes within the Toolkit module.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import FixedIncome

fixedincome = FixedIncome(


Which returns:

2024-01-01 0.0456 0.047 0.0505 0.054 0.0613 0.0752 0.1319
2024-01-02 0.0459 0.0473 0.0509 0.0543 0.0622 0.0763 0.1333
2024-01-03 0.0459 0.0474 0.051 0.0544 0.0634 0.0779 0.1358
2024-01-04 0.0466 0.0481 0.0518 0.0551 0.0639 0.0784 0.1367
2024-01-05 0.047 0.0485 0.0521 0.0554 0.0641 0.0787 0.137
2024-01-08 0.0465 0.0481 0.0517 0.055 0.0633 0.0776 0.1365
2024-01-09 0.0464 0.048 0.0516 0.0548 0.0629 0.0771 0.1359
2024-01-10 0.0464 0.048 0.0515 0.0547 0.0622 0.0762 0.1351
2024-01-11 0.0456 0.0472 0.0507 0.054 0.0619 0.076 0.1344
2024-01-12 0.0451 0.0467 0.0502 0.0534 0.0613 0.0753 0.1338
2024-01-15 0.0451 0.0467 0.0501 0.0533 0.0611 0.0751 0.1328


This gives access to the Economics module. This module contains a wide variety of economic data obtained from OECD. These include things such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Producer Price Index (PPI), the Unemployment Rate, the GDP Growth Rate, the Long and Short Term Interest Rate and the Consumer Confidence Index.

Note that this class can also be directly accessed by importing the Economics class directly via from financetoolkit import Economics. This is useful if you only want to use the Economics class and not the other classes within the Toolkit module.

See the following link for more information:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["AMZN", "ASML"])

cpi = toolkit.economics.get_consumer_price_index(period='yearly')

cpi.loc['2015':, ['United States', 'Netherlands', 'Japan']]

Which returns:

  United States Netherlands Japan
2015 100 100 100
2016 101.262 100.317 99.8727
2017 103.419 101.703 100.356
2018 105.945 103.435 101.349
2019 107.865 106.159 101.824
2020 109.195 107.51 101.799
2021 114.325 110.387 101.561
2022 123.474 121.427 104.098


Obtain the profile of the specified tickers. These include important metrics such as the beta, market capitalization, currency, isin, industry, and ipo date that give an overall understanding about the company.


  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["MSFT", "AAPL"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

Price 316.48 174.49
Beta 0.903706 1.286802
Average Volume 28153120 57348456
Market Capitalization 2353183809372 2744500935588
Last Dividend 2.7199999999999998 0.96
Range 213.43-366.78 124.17-198.23
Changes -0.4 0.49
Company Name Microsoft Corporation Apple Inc.
Currency USD USD
CIK 789019 320193
ISIN US5949181045 US0378331005
CUSIP 594918104 37833100
Exchange NASDAQ Global Select NASDAQ Global Select
Exchange Short Name NASDAQ NASDAQ
Industry Software—Infrastructure Consumer Electronics
CEO Mr. Satya Nadella Mr. Timothy D. Cook
Sector Technology Technology
Country US US
Full Time Employees 221000 164000
Phone 425 882 8080 408 996 1010
Address One Microsoft Way One Apple Park Way
City Redmond Cupertino
State WA CA
ZIP Code 98052-6399 95014
DCF Difference 4.56584 4.15176
DCF 243.594 150.082
IPO Date 1986-03-13 1980-12-12


Get the quote of the specified tickers. These include important metrics such as the price, changes, day low, day high, year low, year high, market capitalization, volume, average volume, open, previous close, earnings per share (EPS), price to earnings ratio (PE), earnings announcement, shares outstanding and timestamp that give an overall understanding about the company.


  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["TSLA", "AAPL"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

Name Tesla, Inc. Apple Inc.
Price 215.49 174.49
Changes Percentage -1.7015 0.2816
Change -3.73 0.49
Day Low 212.36 171.96
Day High 217.58 175.1
Year High 313.8 198.23
Year Low 101.81 124.17
Market Capitalization 682995534313 2744500935588
Price Average 50 Days 258.915 187.129
Price Average 200 Days 196.52345 161.4698
Volume 136276584 61172150
Average Volume 133110158 57348456
Open 214.12 172.3
Previous Close 219.22 174
EPS 3.08 5.89
PE 69.96 29.62
Earnings Announcement 2023-10-17T20:00:00.000+0000 2023-10-25T10:59:00.000+0000
Shares Outstanding 3169499904 15728700416
Timestamp 2023-08-18 20:00:00 2023-08-18 20:00:01


Get the rating of the specified tickers. These scores and recommendations are categorized as follows:

  • An overall rating
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Debt to Equity (DE)
  • Price Earnings (PE)
  • Price to Book (PB)


  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Raises: ValueError: If an API key is not defined for FinancialModelingPrep.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: The stock rating information for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["AMZN", "TSLA"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")

rating = toolkit.get_rating()

rating.loc['AMZN', 'Rating Recommendation'].tail()

Which returns:

date Rating Recommendation
2023-08-01 00:00:00 Strong Buy
2023-08-02 00:00:00 Strong Buy
2023-08-03 00:00:00 Strong Buy
2023-08-04 00:00:00 Strong Buy
2023-08-07 00:00:00 Strong Buy


Obtain analyst estimates regarding revenues, EBITDA, EBIT, Net Income SGA Expenses and EPS. The number of analysts are also reported.

Note that this information requires a Premium FMP subscription.


  • limit (int): Defines the maximum years or quarters to obtain.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • growth (bool): Defines whether to return the growth of the data.
  • lag (int | str): Defines the number of periods to lag the growth data by.
  • trailing (int): Defines whether to select a trailing period. E.g. when selecting 4 with quarterly data, the TTM is calculated.

Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The analyst estimates for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(
["AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOGL", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2021-05-01", quarterly=False

analyst_estimates = toolkit.get_analyst_estimates()


Which returns:

  2021 2022 2023 2024
Estimated Revenue Low 2.98738e+11 3.07919e+11 3.3871e+11 2.93633e+11
Estimated Revenue High 4.48107e+11 4.61878e+11 5.08066e+11 4.4045e+11
Estimated Revenue Average 3.73422e+11 3.84898e+11 4.23388e+11 3.67042e+11
Estimated EBITDA Low 8.50991e+10 1.00742e+11 1.10816e+11 1.07415e+11
Estimated EBITDA High 1.27649e+11 1.51113e+11 1.66224e+11 1.61122e+11
Estimated EBITDA Average 1.06374e+11 1.25928e+11 1.3852e+11 1.34269e+11
Estimated EBIT Low 7.62213e+10 9.05428e+10 9.9597e+10 9.81566e+10
Estimated EBIT High 1.14332e+11 1.35814e+11 1.49396e+11 1.47235e+11
Estimated EBIT Average 9.52766e+10 1.13178e+11 1.24496e+11 1.22696e+11
Estimated Net Income Low 6.54258e+10 7.62265e+10 8.38492e+10 8.23371e+10
Estimated Net Income High 9.81387e+10 1.1434e+11 1.25774e+11 1.23506e+11
Estimated Net Income Average 8.17822e+10 9.52832e+10 1.04811e+11 1.02921e+11
Estimated SGA Expense Low 1.48491e+10 1.85317e+10 2.03848e+10 2.04857e+10
Estimated SGA Expense High 2.22737e+10 2.77975e+10 3.05772e+10 3.07286e+10
Estimated SGA Expense Average 1.85614e+10 2.31646e+10 2.5481e+10 2.56072e+10
Estimated EPS Average 4.26 5.465 6.01 6.2612
Estimated EPS High 5.12 6.56 7.21 7.5135
Estimated EPS Low 3.4 4.37 4.81 5.009
Number of Analysts 14 16 12 10


Obtain Earnings Calendars for any range of companies. You have the option to obtain the actual dates or to convert to the corresponding quarters.

Note that this information requires a Premium FMP subscription.


  • actual_dates (bool): Defines whether to return the actual dates or the corresponding quarters.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: The earnings calendar for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(
["AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOGL", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2022-08-01", quarterly=False

earning_calendar = toolkit.get_earnings_calendar()


Which returns:

date EPS Estimated EPS Revenue Estimated Revenue Fiscal Date Ending Time
2022-10-27 0.17 0.22 1.27101e+11 nan 2022-09-30 amc
2023-02-02 0.25 0.18 1.49204e+11 1.5515e+11 2022-12-31 amc
2023-04-27 0.31 0.21 1.27358e+11 1.24551e+11 2023-03-31 amc
2023-08-03 0.65 0.35 1.34383e+11 1.19573e+11 2023-06-30 amc
2023-10-25 nan 0.56 nan 1.41407e+11 2023-09-30 amc
2024-01-31 nan nan nan nan 2023-12-30 amc
2024-04-25 nan nan nan nan 2024-03-30 amc
2024-08-01 nan nan nan nan 2024-06-30 amc


Obtain revenue by geographic segmentation (e.g. United States, Europe, Asia).

Note that this information requires a Premium FMP subscription.


  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: The revenue by geographic segmentation for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(
["AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOGL", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2021-05-01", quarterly=False

geographic_segmentation = toolkit.get_revenue_geographic_segmentation()


Which returns:

  2020 2021 2022 2023
Americas 4.631e+10 5.1496e+10 4.9278e+10 3.5383e+10
Asia Pacific 8.225e+09 9.81e+09 9.535e+09 5.63e+09
China 2.1313e+10 2.5783e+10 2.3905e+10 1.5758e+10
Europe 2.7306e+10 2.9749e+10 2.7681e+10 2.0205e+10
Japan 8.285e+09 7.107e+09 6.755e+09 4.821e+09


Obtain revenue by product segmentation (e.g. iPad, Advertisement, Windows).

Note that this information requires a Premium FMP subscription.


  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: The revenue by product segmentation for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(
["AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOGL", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2021-05-01", quarterly=False

product_segmentation = toolkit.get_revenue_product_segmentation()


Which returns:

  2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2023Q1 2023Q2
Devices 1.581e+09 1.448e+09 1.43e+09 1.282e+09 1.361e+09
Enterprise Services 1.902e+09 1.876e+09 1.862e+09 2.007e+09 1.977e+09
Gaming 3.455e+09 3.61e+09 4.758e+09 3.607e+09 3.491e+09
Linked In Corporation 3.712e+09 3.663e+09 3.876e+09 3.697e+09 3.909e+09
Office Products And Cloud Services 1.1639e+10 1.1548e+10 1.1837e+10 1.2438e+10 1.2905e+10
Other Products And Services 1.403e+09 1.348e+09 1.359e+09 1.428e+09 -3.924e+09
Search And News Advertising 2.926e+09 2.928e+09 3.223e+09 3.045e+09 3.012e+09
Server Products And Cloud Services 1.8839e+10 1.8388e+10 1.9594e+10 2.0025e+10 2.1963e+10
Windows 6.408e+09 5.313e+09 4.808e+09 5.328e+09 6.058e+09


Returns historical data for the specified tickers. This contains the following columns:

  • Open: The opening price for the period.
  • High: The highest price for the period.
  • Low: The lowest price for the period.
  • Close: The closing price for the period.
  • Adj Close: The adjusted closing price for the period.
  • Volume: The volume for the period.
  • Dividends: The dividends for the period.
  • Return: The return for the period.
  • Volatility: The volatility for the period.
  • Excess Return: The excess return for the period. This is defined as the return minus the a predefined risk free rate. Only calculated when excess_return is True.
  • Excess Volatility: The excess volatility for the period. This is defined as the volatility of the excess return. Only calculated when excess_return is True.
  • Cumulative Return: The cumulative return for the period.

If a benchmark ticker is selected, it also calculates the benchmark ticker together with the results. By default this is set to “SPY” (S&P 500 Index) but can be any ticker. This is relevant for calculations for models such as CAPM, Alpha and Beta.

Important to note is that when an api_key is included in the Toolkit initialization that the data collection defaults to FinancialModelingPrep which is a more stable source and utilises your subscription. However, if this is undesired, it can be disabled by setting historical_source to “YahooFinance”. If data collection fails from FinancialModelingPrep it automatically reverts back to YahooFinance.


  • start (str): The start date for the historical data. Defaults to None.
  • end (str): The end date for the historical data. Defaults to None.
  • period (str): The interval at which the historical data should be returned - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Defaults to “daily”.
  • return_column (str): The column to use for the return calculation. Defaults to “Adj Close”.
  • include_dividends (bool): Defines whether to include dividends in the return calculation. Defaults to True.
  • fill_nan (bool): Defines whether to forward fill NaN values. This defaults to True to prevent holes in the dataset. This is especially relevant for technical indicators.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data. If this is not enabled, the function will return the earlier retrieved data. This is done to prevent too many API calls. Defaults to False.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • sleep_timer (bool): Defines whether to include a sleep timer to prevent overloading the API. Defaults to True.
  • show_ticker_seperation (bool, optional): A boolean representing whether to show which tickers acquired data from FinancialModelingPrep and which tickers acquired data from YahooFinance.
  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is specified for period.

Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The historical data for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit("AAPL", api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume Dividends Return Volatility Excess Return Excess Volatility Cumulative Return
2013 19.7918 20.0457 19.7857 20.0364 17.5889 2.23084e+08 0.108929 0 0.240641 0 0.244248 1
2014 28.205 28.2825 27.5525 27.595 24.734 1.65614e+08 0.461429 0.406225 0.216574 0.384525 0.219536 1.40623
2015 26.7525 26.7575 26.205 26.315 23.9886 1.63649e+08 0.5075 -0.0301373 0.267373 -0.0528273 0.269845 1.36385
2016 29.1625 29.3 28.8575 28.955 26.9824 1.22345e+08 0.5575 0.124804 0.233383 0.100344 0.240215 1.53406
2017 42.63 42.6475 42.305 42.3075 40.0593 1.04e+08 0.615 0.484644 0.176058 0.460594 0.17468 2.27753
2018 39.6325 39.84 39.12 39.435 37.9 1.40014e+08 0.705 -0.0539019 0.287421 -0.0807619 0.289905 2.15477
2019 72.4825 73.42 72.38 73.4125 71.615 1.00806e+08 0.76 0.889578 0.261384 0.870388 0.269945 4.0716
2020 134.08 134.74 131.72 132.69 130.559 9.91166e+07 0.8075 0.823067 0.466497 0.813897 0.470743 7.4228
2021 178.09 179.23 177.26 177.57 175.795 6.40623e+07 0.865 0.346482 0.251019 0.331362 0.251429 9.99467
2022 128.41 129.95 127.43 129.93 129.378 7.70342e+07 0.91 -0.264042 0.356964 -0.302832 0.377293 7.35566
2023 187.84 188.51 187.68 188.108 188.108 4.72009e+06 0.71 0.453941 0.213359 0.412901 0.22327 10.6947


Returns intraday historical data for the specified tickers. This contains the following columns:

  • Open: The opening price for the period.
  • High: The highest price for the period.
  • Low: The lowest price for the period.
  • Close: The closing price for the period.
  • Volume: The volume for the period.
  • Return: The return for the period.
  • Volatility: The volatility for the period.
  • Cumulative Return: The cumulative return for the period.

Keep in mind that this data is available for a shorter period. This means that the start date is ignored if the difference between the start and end date is bigger than the maximum period.

If a benchmark ticker is selected, it also calculates the benchmark ticker together with the results. By default this is set to “SPY” (S&P 500 Index) but can be any ticker. This is relevant for calculations for models such as CAPM, Alpha and Beta.

Please note that this functionality is only available through Financial Modeling Prep. Therefore, an api_key is required to use this functionality.


  • start (str): The start date for the historical data. Defaults to None.
  • end (str): The end date for the historical data. Defaults to None.
  • period (str): The interval at which the historical data should be returned - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Defaults to “daily”.
  • return_column (str): The column to use for the return calculation. Defaults to “Close”.
  • fill_nan (bool): Defines whether to forward fill NaN values. This defaults to True to prevent holes in the dataset. This is especially relevant for technical indicators.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The intraday data for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit("MSFT", api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

date Open High Low Close Volume Return Volatility Cumulative Return
2024-01-19 15:45 397.64 397.88 397.63 397.88 49202 0.0006 0.0005 1.0266
2024-01-19 15:46 397.86 397.93 397.788 397.82 68913 -0.0002 0.0005 1.0264
2024-01-19 15:47 397.81 397.97 397.76 397.78 62605 -0.0001 0.0005 1.0263
2024-01-19 15:48 397.78 397.85 397.675 397.845 62146 0.0002 0.0005 1.0265
2024-01-19 15:49 397.85 397.97 397.8 397.94 72700 0.0002 0.0005 1.0267
2024-01-19 15:50 397.92 398.27 397.9 398.04 140754 0.0003 0.0005 1.027
2024-01-19 15:51 398.04 398.15 397.96 398 122208 -0.0001 0.0005 1.0269
2024-01-19 15:52 397.99 398.26 397.98 398.05 83546 0.0001 0.0005 1.027
2024-01-19 15:53 398.04 398.12 397.98 398.09 85098 0.0001 0.0005 1.0271
2024-01-19 15:54 398.1 398.52 398.03 398.45 187358 0.0009 0.0005 1.028
2024-01-19 15:55 398.45 398.62 398.25 398.335 237902 -0.0003 0.0005 1.0278
2024-01-19 15:56 398.33 398.44 398.3 398.415 149157 0.0002 0.0005 1.028
2024-01-19 15:57 398.42 398.5 398.29 398.43 181074 0 0.0005 1.028
2024-01-19 15:58 398.46 398.47 398.29 398.35 278802 -0.0002 0.0005 1.0278
2024-01-19 15:59 398.35 398.66 398.22 398.66 586344 0.0008 0.0005 1.0286


Obtain Dividend Calendars for any range of companies. It includes the following columns:

  • Date: The date of the dividend.
  • Adj Dividend: The adjusted dividend amount.
  • Dividend: The dividend amount.
  • Record Date: The record date of the dividend.
  • Payment Date: The payment date of the dividend.
  • Declaration Date: The declaration date of the dividend.

If a company does not pay any dividend, the function will mention that it was not able to find any dividend data for that company.


  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: The earnings calendar for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(
["AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOGL", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2022-08-01", quarterly=False

dividend_calendar = toolkit.get_dividend_calendar()


Which returns:

date Adj Dividend Dividend Record Date Payment Date Declaration Date
2022-08-05 0.23 0.23 2022-08-08 2022-08-11 2022-07-28
2022-11-04 0.23 0.23 2022-11-07 2022-11-10 2022-10-27
2023-02-10 0.23 0.23 2022-12-28 2023-02-16 2022-12-19
2023-05-12 0.24 0.24 2023-05-15 2023-05-18 2023-05-04
2023-08-11 0.24 0.24 2023-08-14 2023-08-17 2023-08-03


ESG scores, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance scores, are a crucial metric used by investors and organizations to assess a company’s sustainability and ethical practices. These scores provide valuable insights into a company’s performance in three key areas:

  • Environmental (E): The environmental component evaluates a company’s impact on the planet and its efforts to mitigate environmental risks. It includes factors like carbon emissions, energy efficiency, water management, and waste reduction. A high environmental score indicates a company’s commitment to eco -friendly practices and reducing its ecological footprint.

  • Social (S): The social component focuses on how a company interacts with its employees, customers, suppliers, and the communities in which it operates. Key factors in the social score include labor practices, diversity and inclusion, human rights, product safety, and community engagement. A strong social score reflects a company’s dedication to fostering positive relationships and contributing positively to society.

  • Governance (G): Governance examines a company’s internal structures, policies, and leadership. It assesses aspects such as board independence, executive compensation, transparency, and the presence of anti -corruption measures. A high governance score signifies strong leadership and a commitment to maintaining high ethical standards and accountability

ESG scores provide investors with a holistic view of a company’s sustainability and ethical practices, allowing them to make more informed investment decisions. These scores are increasingly used to identify socially responsible investments and guide capital towards companies that prioritize long -term sustainability and responsible business practices. As the importance of ESG considerations continues to grow, companies are motivated to improve their ESG scores, not only for ethical reasons but also to attract investors who value sustainable and responsible business practices.


  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: The ESG scores for the specified tickers.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(
["MSFT", "TSLA", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2022-08-01", quarterly=False

esg_scores = toolkit.get_esg_scores()

esg_scores.xs("MSFT", level=1, axis=1)

Which returns:

date Environmental Score Social Score Governance Score ESG Score
2022Q3 72.42 58.39 61.13 63.98
2022Q4 72.22 58.05 61.27 63.85
2023Q1 72.6 58.74 61.88 64.41
2023Q2 73.54 60.73 63.44 65.9


Retrieve statistics about each ticker’s historical data. This is especially useful to understand why certain tickers might fluctuate more than others as it could be due to local regulations or the currency the instrument is denoted in. It returns:

  • Currency: The currency the instrument is denoted in.
  • Symbol: The symbol of the instrument.
  • Exchange Name: The name of the exchange the instrument is listed on.
  • Instrument Type: The type of instrument.
  • First Trade Date: The date the instrument was first traded.
  • Regular Market Time: The time the instrument is traded.
  • GMT Offset: The GMT offset.
  • Timezone: The timezone the instrument is traded in.
  • Exchange Timezone Name: The name of the timezone the instrument is traded in.


  • progress_bar (bool): Defines whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to None.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the statistics for each ticker.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

companies = Toolkit(["AMZN", "^HSI", "IWDA.AS", "0P0000Z8RO.T"])


Which returns:

Exchange Name NMS HKG AMS JPX
First Trade Date 1997-05-15 1986-12-31 2009-09-25 2018-01-04
Regular Market Time 2023-09-22 2023-09-22 2023-09-22 2023-09-21
GMT Offset -14400 28800 7200 32400
Exchange Timezone Name America/New_York Asia/Hong_Kong Europe/Amsterdam Asia/Tokyo


Retrieve daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly treasury data. This can be from FinancialModelingPrep or from YahooFinance. FinancialModelingPrep is by far a more extensive dataset containing daily data from 1 month to 30 years. YahooFinance only contains daily data for 5, 10 and 30 years but is a free alternative.


  • period (str): The interval at which the treasury data should be returned - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
  • fill_nan (bool): Defines whether to forward fill NaN values. This defaults to True to prevent holes in the dataset. This is especially relevant for technical indicators.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the treasury data.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

companies = Toolkit(["AAPL", "MSFT"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", start_date="2023-08-10")


Which returns:

date 13 Week 5 Year 10 Year 30 Year
2023-10-16 0.0533 0.0472 0.0471 0.0487
2023-10-17 0.0534 0.0487 0.0485 0.0495
2023-10-18 0.0533 0.0492 0.049 0.05
2023-10-19 0.0531 0.0496 0.0499 0.051
2023-10-20 0.053 0.0491 0.0496 0.0512


This functionality looks at the exchange rates between the currency of the historical data and the currency of the financial statements. Given that these can deviate from each other, e.g. the historical data is in USD but the financial statements are in EUR, it is important to adjust for this. This is especially relevant for models that use the historical data and the financial statements.

This function therefore shows the exchange rates that are used to convert the financial statements to the currency of the historical data. The historical market data is quote currency and the financial statements are base currency.

Note that you can get currency data from any currency as well by supplying the currency as a ticker. For example, if you want to get the exchange rates between USD and EUR you can use USDEUR=X as a ticker.

Important to note is that when an api_key is included in the Toolkit initialization that the data collection defaults to FinancialModelingPrep which is a more stable source and utilises your subscription. However, if this is undesired, it can be disabled by setting historical_source to “YahooFinance”. If data collection fails from FinancialModelingPrep it automatically reverts back to YahooFinance.


  • start (str): The start date for the exchange data. Defaults to None.
  • end (str): The end date for the exchange data. Defaults to None.
  • period (str): The interval at which the historical data should be returned - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Defaults to “daily”.
  • return_column (str): The column to use for the return calculation. Defaults to “Adj Close”.
  • fill_nan (bool): Defines whether to forward fill NaN values. This defaults to True to prevent holes in the dataset. This is especially relevant for technical indicators.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • show_ticker_seperation (bool, optional): A boolean representing whether to show which tickers acquired data from FinancialModelingPrep and which tickers acquired data from YahooFinance.

Raises: ValueError: If an invalid value is specified for period.

Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The historical exchange rate data.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit("ASML", api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY")


Which returns:

Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume Return Volatility Cumulative Return
2023-03 1.0905 1.0926 1.0861 1.0905 1.0905 0 0.0277 0.0298 0.7896
2023-04 1.1011 1.1037 1.0963 1.0969 1.0969 131812 0.0059 0.0278 0.7943
2023-05 1.0693 1.0771 1.066 1.076 1.0733 162069 -0.0215 0.0143 0.7772
2023-06 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.0868 0 0.0126 0.0179 0.787
2023-07 1.0996 1.102 1.0952 1.1007 1.1024 183278 0.0144 0.0225 0.7983
2023-08 1.0842 1.0882 1.077 1.0796 1.09 171695 -0.0112 0.0219 0.7893
2023-09 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 0 -0.0275 0.0264 0.7676
2023-10 1.0614 1.0674 1.0556 1.0578 1.0615 184667 0.0014 0.0232 0.7686
2023-11 1.0973 1.0984 1.0878 1.0892 1.0974 173646 0.0338 0.0202 0.7946
2023-12 1.088 1.0898 1.0848 1.0871 1.0871 90494 -0.0094 0.0173 0.7872


Retrieves the balance sheet statement data for the specified tickers. The balance sheet statement is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company’s financial position at a specific point in time. It shows the company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. The balance sheet statement is divided into three main sections:

  • Assets: Assets are resources owned by the company that have economic value and can be used to generate revenue. Assets are typically divided into current assets and non -current assets.
  • Liabilities: Liabilities are obligations that the company owes to external parties. Liabilities are also divided into current liabilities and non -current liabilities.
  • Shareholders’ Equity: Shareholders’ equity represents the company’s net worth or book value. It is calculated as the difference between the company’s assets and liabilities.

Note that the balance sheet statement is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company’s financial position at a specific point in time. Therefore, trailing results are not available for this statement.


  • limit (int): Defines the maximum years or quarters to obtain.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • growth (bool): Defines whether to return the growth of the data.
  • lag (int | str): Defines the number of periods to lag the growth data by. E.g. when selecting 4 with quarterly data, the TTM is calculated.
  • progress_bar (bool): Defines whether to show a progress bar.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame with the retrieved balance sheet statement data.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["MSFT", "MU"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", quarterly=True, start_date='2022-05-01')

balance_sheet_statements = toolkit.get_balance_sheet_statement()


Which returns:

  2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2023Q1 2023Q2
Cash and Cash Equivalents 9.157e+09 8.262e+09 9.574e+09 9.798e+09 9.298e+09
Short Term Investments 1.07e+09 1.069e+09 1.007e+09 1.02e+09 1.054e+09
Cash and Short Term Investments 1.0227e+10 9.331e+09 1.0581e+10 1.0818e+10 1.0352e+10
Accounts Receivable 6.229e+09 5.13e+09 3.318e+09 2.278e+09 2.429e+09
Inventory 5.629e+09 6.663e+09 8.359e+09 8.129e+09 8.238e+09
Other Current Assets 6.08e+08 6.44e+08 6.63e+08 6.73e+08 7.15e+08
Total Current Assets 2.2708e+10 2.1781e+10 2.2921e+10 2.1898e+10 2.1734e+10
Property, Plant and Equipment 3.7355e+10 3.9227e+10 4.0028e+10 3.9758e+10 3.9382e+10
Goodwill 1.228e+09 1.228e+09 1.228e+09 1.228e+09 1.252e+09
Intangible Assets 4.15e+08 4.21e+08 4.28e+08 4.1e+08 4.1e+08
Long Term Investments 1.646e+09 1.647e+09 1.426e+09 1.212e+09 9.73e+08
Tax Assets 6.82e+08 7.02e+08 6.72e+08 6.97e+08 7.08e+08
Other Fixed Assets 1.262e+09 1.277e+09 1.171e+09 1.317e+09 1.221e+09
Fixed Assets 4.2588e+10 4.4502e+10 4.4953e+10 4.4622e+10 4.3946e+10
Other Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Total Assets 6.5296e+10 6.6283e+10 6.7874e+10 6.652e+10 6.568e+10
Accounts Payable 2.019e+09 2.142e+09 1.789e+09 1.689e+09 1.64e+09
Short Term Debt 1.07e+08 1.03e+08 1.71e+08 2.37e+08 2.59e+08
Tax Payables 3.82e+08 4.2e+08 4.19e+08 2.41e+08 1.48e+08
Deferred Revenue 0 0 0 0 -1.64e+09
Other Current Liabilities 4.883e+09 5.294e+09 4.565e+09 3.329e+09 4.845e+09
Total Current Liabilities 7.009e+09 7.539e+09 6.525e+09 5.255e+09 5.104e+09
Long Term Debt 7.485e+09 7.413e+09 1.0719e+10 1.2647e+10 1.3589e+10
Deferred Revenue Non Current 6.63e+08 5.89e+08 5.16e+08 5.29e+08 6.32e+08
Deferred Tax Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0
Other Non Current Liabilities 8.58e+08 8.35e+08 8.08e+08 8.32e+08 9.5e+08
Total Non Current Liabilities 9.006e+09 8.837e+09 1.2043e+10 1.4008e+10 1.5171e+10
Other Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0
Capital Lease Obligations 6.29e+08 6.1e+08 6.25e+08 6.1e+08 6.03e+08
Total Liabilities 1.6015e+10 1.6376e+10 1.8568e+10 1.9263e+10 2.0275e+10
Preferred Stock 0 0 0 0 0
Common Stock 1.22e+08 1.23e+08 1.23e+08 1.23e+08 1.24e+08
Retained Earnings 4.5916e+10 4.7274e+10 4.6873e+10 4.4426e+10 4.2391e+10
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income -3.64e+08 -5.6e+08 -4.73e+08 -3.73e+08 -3.4e+08
Other Total Shareholder Equity 3.607e+09 3.07e+09 2.783e+09 3.081e+09 3.23e+09
Total Shareholder Equity 4.9281e+10 4.9907e+10 4.9306e+10 4.7257e+10 4.5405e+10
Total Equity 4.9281e+10 4.9907e+10 4.9306e+10 4.7257e+10 4.5405e+10
Total Liabilities and Shareholder Equity 6.5296e+10 6.6283e+10 6.7874e+10 6.652e+10 6.568e+10
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0
Total Liabilities and Equity 6.5296e+10 6.6283e+10 6.7874e+10 6.652e+10 6.568e+10
Total Investments 2.716e+09 2.716e+09 2.433e+09 2.232e+09 2.027e+09
Total Debt 7.592e+09 7.516e+09 1.089e+10 1.2884e+10 1.3848e+10
Net Debt -1.565e+09 -7.46e+08 1.316e+09 3.086e+09 4.55e+09


Retrieves the income statement data for the specified tickers. The income statement is a financial statement that shows a company’s revenues and expenses over a specific period. It is used to calculate a company’s net income.

The income statement is a financial statement that shows a company’s revenues and expenses over a specific period. Therefore, trailing results are available for this statement.


  • limit (int): Defines the maximum years or quarters to obtain.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • growth (bool): Defines whether to return the growth of the data.
  • lag (int | str): Defines the number of periods to lag the growth data by.
  • trailing (int): Defines whether to select a trailing period. E.g. when selecting 4 with quarterly data, the TTM is calculated.
  • progress_bar (bool): Defines whether to show a progress bar.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame with the retrieved income statement data.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["TSLA", "MU"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", quarterly=True, start_date='2022-05-01')

income_sheet_statements = toolkit.get_income_statement()


Which returns:

  2022Q2 2022Q3 2022Q4 2023Q1 2023Q2
Revenue 1.6934e+10 2.1454e+10 2.4318e+10 2.3329e+10 2.4927e+10
Cost of Goods Sold 1.27e+10 1.6072e+10 1.8541e+10 1.8818e+10 2.0394e+10
Gross Profit 4.234e+09 5.382e+09 5.777e+09 4.511e+09 4.533e+09
Gross Profit Ratio 0.25003 0.250862 0.237561 0.193364 0.181851
Research and Development Expenses 6.67e+08 7.33e+08 8.1e+08 7.71e+08 9.43e+08
General and Administrative Expenses 0 0 0 0 0
Selling and Marketing Expenses 0 0 0 0 0
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 9.61e+08 9.61e+08 1.032e+09 1.076e+09 1.191e+09
Other Expenses 2.8e+07 -8.5e+07 -4.2e+07 -4.8e+07 3.28e+08
Operating Expenses 1.628e+09 1.694e+09 1.842e+09 1.847e+09 2.134e+09
Cost and Expenses 1.4328e+10 1.7766e+10 2.0383e+10 2.0665e+10 2.2528e+10
Interest Income 2.6e+07 8.6e+07 1.57e+08 2.13e+08 2.38e+08
Interest Expense 4.4e+07 5.3e+07 3.3e+07 2.9e+07 2.8e+07
Depreciation and Amortization 1.118e+09 9.57e+08 1.138e+09 1.211e+09 1.72e+09
EBITDA 3.582e+09 4.645e+09 5.039e+09 3.875e+09 4.119e+09
EBITDA Ratio 0.211527 0.21651 0.207213 0.166102 0.165243
Operating Income 2.464e+09 3.688e+09 3.901e+09 2.664e+09 2.399e+09
Operating Income Ratio 0.145506 0.171903 0.160416 0.114193 0.096241
Total Other Income 1e+07 -5.2e+07 8.2e+07 1.36e+08 5.38e+08
Income Before Tax 2.474e+09 3.636e+09 3.983e+09 2.8e+09 2.937e+09
Income Before Tax Ratio 0.146097 0.169479 0.163788 0.120022 0.117824
Income Tax Expense 2.05e+08 3.05e+08 2.76e+08 2.61e+08 3.23e+08
Net Income 2.259e+09 3.292e+09 3.687e+09 2.513e+09 2.703e+09
Net Income Ratio 0.1334 0.153445 0.151616 0.10772 0.108437
EPS 0.73 1.05 1.18 0.8 0.85
EPS Diluted 0.65 0.95 1.07 0.73 0.78
Weighted Average Shares 3.111e+09 3.146e+09 3.16e+09 3.166e+09 3.171e+09
Weighted Average Shares Diluted 3.465e+09 3.468e+09 3.471e+09 3.468e+09 3.478e+09


Retrieves the cash flow statement data for the specified tickers. The cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents. It breaks the analysis down to operating, investing and financing activities.

The cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents. Therefore, trailing results are available for this statement.


  • limit (int): Defines the maximum years or quarters to obtain.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • rounding (int): Defines the number of decimal places to round the data to.
  • growth (bool): Defines whether to return the growth of the data.
  • lag (int | str): Defines the number of periods to lag the growth data by.
  • trailing (int): Defines whether to select a trailing period. E.g. when selecting 4 with quarterly data, the TTM is calculated.
  • progress_bar (bool): Defines whether to show a progress bar.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame with the retrieved cash flow statement data.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit(["MU", "AMZN"], api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", quarterly=True, start_date='2022-09-01')

cash_flow_statements = toolkit.get_cash_flow_statement()


Which returns:

  2022Q3 2022Q4 2023Q1 2023Q2
Net Income 2.872e+09 2.78e+08 3.172e+09 6.75e+09
Depreciation and Amortization 1.0204e+10 1.2685e+10 1.1123e+10 1.1589e+10
Deferred Income Tax -8.25e+08 -3.367e+09 -4.72e+08 -2.744e+09
Stock Based Compensation 5.556e+09 5.606e+09 4.748e+09 7.127e+09
Change in Working Capital -5.254e+09 1.0526e+10 -1.4317e+10 -6.293e+09
Accounts Receivables -4.794e+09 -8.788e+09 1.521e+09 -5.167e+09
Inventory 7.32e+08 3.18e+09 3.71e+08 -2.373e+09
Accounts Payables -1.226e+09 9.852e+09 -1.1264e+10 3.029e+09
Other Working Capital 3.4e+07 6.282e+09 -4.945e+09 -1.782e+09
Other Non Cash Items -1.149e+09 3.445e+09 5.34e+08 4.7e+07
Cash Flow from Operations 1.1404e+10 2.9173e+10 4.788e+09 1.6476e+10
Property, Plant and Equipment -1.6378e+10 -1.6592e+10 -1.4207e+10 -1.1455e+10
Acquisitions -8.85e+08 -8.31e+08 -3.513e+09 -3.16e+08
Purchases of Investments -2.39e+08 -2.33e+08 -3.38e+08 -4.96e+08
Sales of Investments 5.57e+08 5.683e+09 1.115e+09 1.551e+09
Other Investing Activities 1.337e+09 1.152e+09 1.137e+09 1.043e+09
Cash Flow from Investing -1.5608e+10 -1.0821e+10 -1.5806e+10 -9.673e+09
Debt Repayment -9.429e+09 -1.8756e+10 -6.369e+09 -1.0861e+10
Common Stock Issued 0 0 0 0
Common Stock Purchased 0 6e+09 0 0
Dividends Paid 0 0 0 0
Other Financing Activities 1.2445e+10 1.2842e+10 1.2723e+10 4.322e+09
Cash Flow from Financing 3.016e+09 8.6e+07 6.354e+09 -6.539e+09
Forex Changes on Cash -1.334e+09 6.37e+08 1.45e+08 6.9e+07
Net Change in Cash -2.522e+09 1.9075e+10 -4.519e+09 3.33e+08
Cash End of Period 3.5178e+10 5.4253e+10 4.9734e+10 5.0067e+10
Cash Beginning of Period 3.77e+10 3.5178e+10 5.4253e+10 4.9734e+10
Operating Cash Flow 1.1404e+10 2.9173e+10 4.788e+09 1.6476e+10
Capital Expenditure -1.6378e+10 -1.6592e+10 -1.4207e+10 -1.1455e+10
Free Cash Flow -4.974e+09 1.2581e+10 -9.419e+09 5.021e+09


Retrieves the balance, cash and income statistics for the company(s) from the specified source.

Note that this also obtains the balance sheet statement at the same time given that it’s the same API call. This is done to reduce the number of API calls to FinancialModelingPrep.


  • limit (int): Defines the maximum years or quarters to obtain.
  • overwrite (bool): Defines whether to overwrite the existing data.
  • progress_bar (bool): Defines whether to show a progress bar.

Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame with the retrieved statistics statement data.

As an example:

from financetoolkit import Toolkit

toolkit = Toolkit("TSLA", api_key="FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_KEY", quarterly=True, start_date='2023-05-01')


Which returns:

Reported Currency USD
CIK ID 1318605
Filling Date 2023-07-24
Accepted Date 2023-07-21 18:08:29
Calendar Year 2023
Period Q2
SEC Link
Document Link


Copies the normalization files to a folder based on path. By default, this is the path of the ‘Downloads’ folder.

This function is relevant if you want to supply your own datasets. See for a proper guide the following notebook: -datasets


  • path (str, optional): The path where to save the files to.

Returns: Three csv files saved to the desired location.